GuideStar is the largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. Their website is used by potential donors and grantors to look up how a non-profit is governed, how they impact their community and how they allocate their funds. Since HOPE is supported by the public, the public has a right to know how their contributions are being used. By adding information to our nonprofit profile on GuideStar, HOPE has earned a 2019 Gold Seal of Transparency. Now community members as well as 10 + million GuideStar users can find in-depth information about our goals, strategies, capabilities and progress.

A “Charting Impact” report must be certified as being up to date and accurate. GuideStar serves to verify that an organization is established and that the donated funds go where the donor intended. Achieving this annual seal of transparency is our commitment to the supporters and partners of HOPE. We are shining a spotlight on the difference HOPE is making in our local community.

 What do you think? Check out our profile at